Saturday, May 29, 2010

Last Weekend

Last weekend we made a garden and planted pumpkins, carrots, beans, peas, strawberries, blueberries, asparagus, cucumber, zuchinni, radishs, lettuce, chives, raspberries, lots of flowers and kolrabi.  I enjoyed helping in the garden right up until it started to rain, then Lacie and I went inside.  We watched from the window while I played with Dixie. 

Jade is getting a new sister.  They just got their referral.  Her name is May.  I hope our baby is that cute! 
It's taking way too long to get our referral. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today Dad brought home his new dog from the SPCA.  She is cute and cuddly and sweet.  Dad adores her.  She has really sharp baby teeth.  I really love playing with her already.  I feel so happy with her.   She is very very sleepy.  She is sooooo cute! 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mothers Day Tea

Yesterday Lili and I went to Sage's Birthday party.  It was at a farm.  I got to ride a horse without any help and I got my face painted with a picture of a horse.  I got to hold a baby goat by myself and his name was Billy and he ate grass out of my hand.  I was going to hold a chicken I didn't because when Lily held on to it, it flapped it's wings too much.  We got to get an egg out of the chicken coop and Mom cooked the eggs we got for lunch today. 

When we woke up we went downstairs and we watched tv until Mom and Dad got up.   Then we went outside on the back patio to surprise Mama with her early present.  We got her an outside fireplace and new chairs.  We only bought four chairs, Mama wants us to get one more because we're going to be a family of five soon.  We had breakfast at the fire this morning!  Lili and I played in the trampoline and then it was time to get ready.  We danced at the Mothers Day Tea.  It was a very nice afternoon dancing for my Mama and Gramma, who just got home from her long holiday.  Tomorrow is Mothers Day and we're taking Mama to brunch and I'm not sure what we'll do after that.