Saturday, February 5, 2011


It's been a while since I've blogged.  Since before we went to China!  Lili and Mama are sick.  My Birthday is coming up in 10 days and I'm having a polar bear theme party.  We're going to do some crafts and games and for dinner we're only eating white food.  Next month Lili is going to Disneyland with Mommy and I'm staying home with Daddy and Jia.  Next year will be my turn to go with just Mom.  I taught Jia how to say peek a boo this morning.  Jia has grown a lot since we got her.  It's lots of fun to play with Jia in the toy room.  I like being a middle child and a big sister.  I want to be homeschooled and Mom and Dad are talking about it.  Today my friend Laurel is coming to play.