Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Paperwork for the baby

Last night Mama made me get rid of some animal friends.  For everyone I gave away, I got to keep one.  It was fun playing in them all.  That's me at the RCMP office  we went there to do some paperwork so we can be ready for when we hear about the baby. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A day spent with friends

Yesterday Willow & Meiling came over to play and they brought us our pottery that we made at Willow's Birthday party.  Then Daddy got our tiny pool then we got in the pool all together, it was so fun and so cold.  After we got dry and went for dinner, it was so good.  Then we went back home to get the dogs to go for a walk with Willow & Meiling.  We played on the tetter-totters and the swings because there was a playground where we walked.